J. Tritschler, S. Reichert, B. Goeldi: “Induktives und bidirektionales Ladesystem für zukünftige Systemdienstleistungen durch Elektrofahrzeuge”, VDE Kongress Smart Cities, 20.-21.10.2014, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Borrmann, D.: "Electric operability of an inductive charging system for electric vehicles in an urban area "; 4th Electric Drives Production Conference E|DPC 2014; Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2014; Nuremberg, Germany > Zum Artikel
Reichert, S., Goeldi, B., Tritschler, J.: "Development of a Highly Efficient Inductive Power Transfer System for Charging Electric Vehicles using SiC MOSFETs"; 4th Electric Drives Production Conference E|DPC 2014; Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2014; Nuremberg, Germany
J. Tritschler, S. Reichert, B. Goeldi: “A practical investigation of a high power, bidirectional charging system for electric vehicles”, 16th Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, EPE‘14-ECCE Europe, 26.-28.8.2014, Lappeenranta, Finland
Tcholtchev, N.; Dittwald, B.; Scheel, T.; Zilci, B.I.; Schmidt, D.; Lammel, P.; Jacobsen, J.; Schieferdecker, I., "The Concept of a Mobility Data Cloud: Design, Implementation and Trials," 2014 IEEE 38th International Computer Software and Applications Conference Workshops (COMPSACW), 21-25 July 2014, Västerås, Sweden, Proceedings, DOI: 10.1109/compsacw.2014.26, pp. 192,198 > Zum Artikel
Roscher, K.; Jiru, J.; Gonzalez, A.; Heidrich, W. A.: „ezCar2X: A Modular Software Framework for Rapid Prototyping of C2X Applications”; 9th ITS European Congress, 4-7 June 2013; Dublin, Ireland
Gerhard Hejc, Jochen Seitz, Thorsten Vaupel, "Bayesian sensor fusion of Wi-Fi signal strengths and GNSS code and carrier phases for positioning in urban environments", ION PLANS 2014, 5-8 May 2014, Monterey, USA
Tönjes, S.: "Dynamisches Flottenmanagement für eine gemeinschaftlich-e-Mobilität"; HEUREKA 2014: Optimierung in Verkehr und Transport; 02.-03. April 2014; pp. 566-576; Stuttgart, Deutschland
Rothfuss, F., Borrmann, D.: "Gemeinschaftlich-e-Mobilität“ in urbanen Räumen"; DVWG aktuell; 5/2014; S. 3; Mar. 2014
Mierau, M., Fey, S., Kohrs, R., Wittwer, C.: "Communication solutions for a cloud-based charging management system for a fleet of shared-use electric vehicles"; Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition (EVS27); 17-20 Nov. 2013; Barcelona, Spain
Noeren, D.: "Wie sieht die urbane (E-)Mobilität der Zukunft aus?"; VDI / VDE - mensch & technik; IV/2013; S. 12-13; Nov. 2013
Benriah Goeldi, Stefan Reichert, Johannes Tritschler: "Hoch effiziente, berührungslose und bidirektionale Energieübertragung für die Elektromobilität"; ETG-Kongress 2013; 05.-06.11.2013; Berlin, Germany
Borrmann, D., Rothfuss, F., Dangelmaier, M.: "Charging infrastructure for shared use of electric vehicles in an urban area"; 3rd Electric Drives Production Conference E|DPC 2013; 29-30 Oct. 2013; Nuremberg, Germany
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Presseinformation Fraunhofer ISE: "Es geht auch ohne Kabel - Hocheffizientes induktives Ladesystem für Elektrofahrzeuge entwickelt"; Fraunhofer ISE, Juli 2013; Freiburg, Germany
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Benriah Goeldi, Stefan Reichert, Johannes Tritschler: "Design and Dimensioning of a Highly Efficient 22 kW Bidirectional Inductive Charger for E-Mobility"; PCIM Europe 2013; 14.-16.05.2013; Nuremberg, Germany
Gerhard Hejc, Jochen Seitz, Javier Gutierrez Boronat, Thorsten Vaupel, "Seamless Indoor Outdoor Positioning using Bayesian Sensor Data Fusion on Mobile and Embedded Devices", ION GNSS+ 2013, 8-12 Sept. 2013, Manassas, USA
Tcholtchev, N. et al.: On the interplay of open data, cloud services and network providers towards electric mobility in smart cities; 2012 IEEE 37th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN); 22.-25.10.2012; Clearwater, USA; Proceedings; DOI: 10.1109/LCNW.2012.6424075; S. 860-867
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Philipp Richter, Jochen Seitz, Lucila Patiño-Studencka, Javier Gutierréz Boronat, Jörn Thielecke, "Sensor Data Fusion for Seamless Navigation using Wi-Fi Signal Strengths and GNSS Pseudoranges", Proceedings of the European Navigation Conference 2012, 25-27 April 2012, Gdansk, Poland